Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Running Contacts

There are two ways to get your dog to hit the last 90cm of the Dogwalk & A-Frame. 2o2o or Running Contacts. 2o2o you teach your dog to stop and wait with their two back paws on the dogwalk/A-frame until a release and RC is when you teach your dog to stride so they hit the contact point. RC is better for speed and forward drive, no loss of time or momentum.

I've decided to sign up with Holly for Silvia Trkman's RC, I chose Holly for this course as, I think she will be harder to teach RC to, unlike Wilson she is obsessed with Balls/Toys which is good but sometimes she get's so focused on having that ball thrown she doesn't think about how to get it. Wilson has had more issues with working for toys (although it's much improved and only getting better, I'll post about our new game soon) but I think he's more aware. He think's about what he's doing and how he's earning it. Also I've just finished a course with Wilson leaving more to work on and Holly's training needs more structure. I am going to try training him with what I learn from Holly and the RC DVD, and Agility Diaries, and if we have big problems there is another course next summer. Also Holly has more troubles with DW, A-frame and Contacts, she flies off, literally in the middle! And contact's make no sense to her, and Wilson I can work with 2o2o for now anyways.

So you'll be getting more Holly updates as this is part of the transition to me doing all her Agility. She's not my dog and I had been doing part of her training but it's had little structure and she is a super dog.

Also we're going to work with 4on for the seesaw as I don't like the way the seesaw bounces with their back legs on and front paws on, it can't be good for them.

Holly's Video


  1. Thanks, I made it for her B-day back in October :-) Do you do 2o2o with Ethel & Earl? :-)

    1. I do 2o2o for Ethel. I didn't with Earl though, because he needed speeding up on his contacts, and he has picked up speed now.

  2. Okay, Thanks :-) So Earl does RC? Or used to and does 2o2o? Just I'm trying to train Wilson just with the RC DVD & what I learn on the course with Holly, so we may have to do 2o2o till the next course if we can't learn it :-) So far they're having great fun with them :-)
