Friday, 28 August 2015

Videos: SUMMER 2015, Wilson 2.5 Years & London Trip!!!

Okay, sooo I have a bit of an issue with my laptop: it's full! I'm currently editing my Summer video and Wilson's 2.5 years video, and I'm also making short videos for the online agility class i'm doing with Wilson.

My Summer video was going to be published in the next few days but, I can't finish editing it and I ended up losing 2 minutes of it because I couldn't save it! It might be published soon and should definitely be done mid/late September.

Wilson's 2.5 year video is meant to be published 3rd September but we're in London 3rd-4th September so I'd planned to publish it 2nd September before we leave but it could be once we get back, if so it should be early September.

My London video will be published early September.

Beth + Wilson Xx

PS. Sorry for both the boring post and the lack of posting!

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